30 APR 2020
To: Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads
All Others Concerned
1. Pursuant to Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular (CSC MC) No. 40, s. 1998 and as amended by CSC MC No. 9, s. 2012, this is to provide the field offices with a uniform basis for the Computation of the Proportional Vacation Pay (PVP) for the School Year (SY) 2019- 2020 for all public elementary, secondary, and senior high school teachers under the teacher's leave basis.
2. For SY 2019- 2020, each of the teachers who have rendered continuous service from June 3, 2019 to April 3, 2020 shall be entitled to 80 days total of PVP from Summer and Christmas vacation days, computed as follows:
Snipped part of the memo. |
Snipped part of the memo. |
The memo was signed by DepEd Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones. The memo is uploaded in the DepEd website.