Oral Communication in Context Weekly Home Learning Plan Quarter 1 Week 3

Here are the learning tasks you need to fulfill for the third week of this quarter. Please read and do them diligently. This week, we will focus on strategies to avoid communication breakdown. I hope you are enhancing your English speaking skills while staying at home. You can download the Weekly Home Learning Plan here. Printed copies will be distributed. 

For printed modules, check the number of pages and readability of the Self- Learning Module (SLM). For the digital modules, check if the file is readable on the device you are using. If problems are found, report to your subject teacher or class advisers.

The general instruction in answering the activities is indicated below: 

Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper or you may encode your answers using Microsoft Word or other apps in creating documents.

Read What I Need to Know on Page 1 of the SLM. In this module, you are going to learn two lessons for this week. Lesson 1 is about Communication Breakdown and Lesson 2 is about Various Strategies to Avoid Communication Breakdown. Read the five objectives you need to attain.

Answer What I Know on Pages 1 to 3 of the SLM.  

Begin studying Lesson 1. Communication Breakdown on Page 4 of your SLM. Answer the What’s In task found in the same page which serves as a review of what have you learned on Communication Models module.

Do What’s New task on Page 5 of your SLM. Your answer in each item must be written in one or two sentences.

Read contents under What is It from Page 6 to 7 of your SLM. There are barriers to communication that greatly affect our intentions. You need to know these deeper. Differentiate physical, psychological, cultural, and linguistic barriers. Also, learn the different the three kinds of noise: external, internal, and semantic.

Do What I Can Do task on Pages 9 and 10. Instead of three, interview only two (2) people. You may interview in face-to-face setup or through other channels (phone, social media). If you opted for face- to- face interview, I encourage you to talk with your family members so that you will not go outside. You may present the interview in vlog or talk show format with a maximum time of five minutes if you have a device to record. Follow the items needed to be asked. In this case, you will not write anymore your answers. If you do not have any device to use, you are required to complete the table. This is a performance task. Rubrics will be used and provided.

Do Activities 1 and 2 under What’s More portion of the SLM on Page 8. Then, answer the Assessment part from Page 10 to 12.

Before going to Lesson 2, answer What I Know items from Page 15 to 16. After doing the task, read about Various Strategies to Avoid Communication Breakdown. Do What’s In Task, Page 17.

Read the article 5 Ways to Avoid Communication Breakdown by Ronnie Peterson, Strategies to Avoid Communication Breakdown, 7Cs of Effective Communication, and Helpful Expressions to Avoid Communication Breakdown.

Answer What’s More Activity 1 on Page 22. Then, answer the True or False test under items from Page 24 to Page 25.  

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