Creative Writing Weekly Home Learning Plan Quarter 1 Week 4

Hello, writers. Here are the learning tasks you need to accomplish this week. You are going to explore rhymed and free verse poems. Flex your writing muscles as you will write your own pieces. Read the Weekly Home Learning Plan as your guide. You can access the file here. Printed copies will be distributed on third day of November. Have joy in writing. 

Learning Tasks: 

For printed modules, check the number of pages and readability of the Self- Learning Modules (SLM) and handout. For the digital modules, check if the files are readable on the device you are using. If problems are found, report to your subject teacher or class advisers.

In answering the activities, you may write your answers on a piece of paper or encode them on Microsoft Office or other word document software or app.

This week, we continue our journey in the world of poetry. We will focus on rhyme, meter, rhyme scheme, and free verse.

Read the poem “Trees” by Joyce Kilmer. Answer the questions below the literary piece.

Read the contents of Lesson 3 Rhyme and Meter from Page 17 to 18. There is also a supplemental reading about the topic found in the handout.

Identify the rhyming words, meter, and rhyme scheme of the poem “Trees”. Copy the format of the table for this activity.

Make a poem with two stanzas, fixed meter, and AABB rhyme scheme about COVID-19. You can explore on thematic concepts such as life and death and struggles adapting in the situation. This is a written task.

For the next lesson, read the poem “Desiderata”. Answer the questions that follows.

Read the contents of Lesson 4 Free Verse on Pages 23 and 24. Read some examples included in the SLM. Then, proceed to Lesson 5 Line Break and Enjambments from Pages 29 to 32. These concepts will help you write your own free verse poem.

Identify at least one (1) line break and one enjambment in the poem “Desiderata”. If the poem does not have any of these, write or encode “There are no line break and enjambment found.

Our class will produce a literary anthology entitled 2020: A Collection of Poems. Write a free verse poem something about what happened in the year 2020. It could be personal or based from local or international event. 

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